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Gissela e Sérgio Saas - You’re Not Finished With Me Yet | Clipe Oficial

Gissela e Sérgio Saas - You’re Not Finished With Me Yet | Clipe Oficial

Official Music Video for “You’re Not Finished With Me Yet” by Gissela ft. Sérgio Saas. Subscribe to Gissela's Official YouTube Channel: Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Listen now at the link below: --- Lyrics Written: Gissela Kroll, Chad Carlson & Sergio Saas Verse 1 I couldn’t believe what You said about me How can it be that you love me just as I am Just as I am Nobody’s seen me like you do How can you look at me and see something worthy? ‘Cause I’m not worthy PC1 Because of you Because of you Chorus I am who You say I am You take me and mold me Into your loving hands You’re not finished with me yet What You’ve started is not completed You are a faithful healer You’re more than I ever needed You’re not finished with me yet You’re not finished with me yet Verse 2 Eu sei que não terminou a obra que começou em mim (Ele fiel) Me fez com as próprias mãos Por isso não me esquecerei quem eu sou em Ti Chorus I am who You say I am You take me and mold me Into your loving hands You’re not finished with me yet What You’ve started is not completed You are a faithful healer You’re more than I ever needed You’re not finished with me yet Bridge What you do! What you see! I don’t have to be the me that I used to be! PC 2 Because of You Because of You Chorus I am who You say I am You take me and mold me Into your loving hands You’re not finished with me yet What You’ve started is not completed You are a faithful healer You’re more than I ever needed You’re not finished with me yet You’re not finished with me yet --- “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:37‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Philippians 1:6; “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” --- 2022 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Sometimes | Official Music Video

Gissela - Sometimes | Official Music Video

Official Music Video for “Sometimes” by Gissela. Subscribe to Gissela's Official YouTube Channel: Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Listen now at the link below: --- I am so excited to share this new single with you. I am a recovering perfectionist and have learned the hard way that the weight of the world is not on my shoulders, but on the cross of Jesus. I hope you love this song as much as I do! Estou feliz em dividir com vocês esse novo single. Eu sou uma perfeccionista em reabilitação e aprendi de uma forma difícil que o peso do mundo não estavam em meus ombros, mas na cruz de Cristo. Espero que vcs amem essa música o tanto quanto eu! --- Lyrics Written by Gissela Kroll and Chad Carlson Produced by Chad Carlson I don't know what you think you might know but you gotta know it's not working You carry around the weight of the world and pretend it's not a burden Walk by faith not by sight Lord knows how many times with me He's tried But sometimes I get it right Safe in Your arms I fall to my knees Heaven will shine its light on me I let Jesus lead Sometimes If you ever wanna make God laugh Just tell Him about your plans Put your head down and don't look up I know this lie firsthand Walk by faith not by sight Lord knows how many times with me He's tried But sometimes I get it right Safe in Your arms I fall to my knees Heaven will shine its light on me I let Jesus lead Sometimes Like Peter walking on the water Thinking he can look away Sinking like an anchor Searching for some faith But sometimes, I get it right But sometimes I get it right Safe in Your arms I fall to my knees Heaven will shine its light on me I let Jesus lead I let Jesus lead (I get it right) Sometimes --- 2022 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - I Surrender All (feat. Tim Davis) | Lyric Video

Gissela - I Surrender All (feat. Tim Davis) | Lyric Video

🇺🇸 After Introspections was recorded, mixed and mastered, and all the videos done, I heard I Surrender All and felt like it had to be a part of this EP. I immediately thought of Tim Davis and I am so glad he said yes. I was a teenager when I heard Tim sing live for the first time, and I thought he had the most beautiful male voice I had ever heard. We did not get to record a video like I did for the other songs of this album, but I hope you enjoy this lyric video ❤️ These lyrics are relevant to the world we live in today and it is my prayer to surrender to Him everyday. 🇧🇷 Depois que o EP Introspections estava gravado, mixado, masterizado e todos os videos gravados, eu ouvi Tudo Entregarei e não acreditei que ela não fazia parte desse projeto. Amo esse hino e a sua letra é minha oração principalmente nos dias que vivemos hoje. Quando decide inclui-la ao repertório, imediatamente pensei em convidar o Tim Davis para cantar ela comigo. Ouvi o Tim cantar ao vivo quando era adolescente e lembro em pensar que nunca havia ouvido uma voz tão linda. Não gravamos um video para esse música como fiz com todas as outras músicas desse projeto, mas espero que vc goste desse lyric vídeo ❤️ Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Arrangement: Daniel Bondaczuk Mix: Chad Carlson Video: Media by Micah --- Lyrics All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all All to Jesus I surrender Humbly at His feet I bow Worldly pleasures all forsaken Take me Jesus take me now I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all -- 2021 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - From Where I'm Standing I Official Video

Gissela - From Where I'm Standing I Official Video

Official music video for the brand new single "From Where I'm Standing" Listen or download now at the links below Connect with Gissela youtube: website: Facebook: Instagram: Written by Gissela Kroll and Chad Carlson Produced by Chad Carlson --- Lyrics It’s amazing how you never run out of patience The God I thought I knew was all about the expectations But I’m learning how to love you Learning how to bend Teach how to love myself and then Maybe I can be who you want me to be From where I’m standing I wouldn’t stand a chance without you Need your mercy working through me giving me a humble heart Wouldn’t stand a chance From where I’m standing They say that help comes to those who help themselves But Jesus never said we had to do this by ourselves Calling all the lonely All the brokenhearted Calling all the sinners looking for a fresh start There is one thing that I know I can’t do this on my own From where I’m standing I wouldn’t stand a chance without you Need your mercy working through me giving me a humble heart Wouldn’t stand a chance From where I’m standing God, You come find me Calling all the lonely All the brokenhearted The sinners looking for a fresh start There is one thing that I know I can’t do this on my own From where I’m standing I wouldn’t stand a chance without you Need your mercy working through me giving me a humble heart From where I’m standing There's no greater gift than Yours Lord, I'm grateful You'll teach me, lead me to a humble heart Wouldn’t stand a chance From where I’m standing -- 2022 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - I Be Still My Soul (feat. Jaime Jamgochian) | Official Music Video

Gissela - I Be Still My Soul (feat. Jaime Jamgochian) | Official Music Video

🇺🇸 I was not familiar with this stunning hymn growing up. However, when I came across it and listen to the lyrics, they pierced through my heart. I hope they speak to you also! Thanks Jaime, for being a part of this song and this video! I love your heart and your voice ❤️ 🇧🇷 Eu nāo conhecia esse hino de pequena, mas quando estava selecionando o repertório, e ouvi a letra dessa música, tive certeza que precisava cantar ela. Em português ela se chama Bela Manha, mas a letra é uma versão e não o uma tradução. Vou adicionar a letra em português pra quem quiser acompanhar! Obrigada, Jaime por fazer parte dessa musica comigo! Amo teu coração e tua voz ❤️ Arrangement: Daniel Bondaczuk Mix: Chad Carlson Video: Media by Micah Location: Scarritt Bennett Center Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: ---- Lyrics Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly, Friend Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end. Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on When we shall be forever with the Lord, When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone, Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored. Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past, All safe and blessed we shall meet at last. Be still, my soul: begin the song of praise On earth, be leaving, to Thy Lord on high; Acknowledge Him in all thy words and ways, So shall He view thee with a well pleased eye. Be still, my soul: the Sun of life divine Through passing clouds shall but more brightly shine. Bela Manhā Bela manhã, manhã de alegria! Vem desfazer da noite a escuridão! Foi-se o clamor, tristeza e agonia! Irrompe o dia da salvação! Rejubilai, cantai em aleluias! Cantai, cantai, aleluias! Não mais temor, não mais tribulações! Louvores enchem hoje os corações! Oh, festejai do dia a nova luz! Saudai o Rei, saudai o Rei Jesus! Cantai, cantai, aleluias! -- 2021 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Jesus Paid It All/ Todo Debo a Él (feat. Carlos Santiago) | Official Music Video

Gissela - Jesus Paid It All/ Todo Debo a Él (feat. Carlos Santiago) | Official Music Video

🇺🇸 Jesus Paid It All is a dedication to my father. It is his favorite hymn. I grew up listening to him say that everything sounds prettier in Spanish. He has always loved the language, even though his first language was Portuguese. Waking up on Sabbath morning was always special because he had music playing. He has always encouraged me in everything I wanted to do, especially with music. ❤️ I am so happy to be able to gift him this song! On this Thanksgiving Day, Jesus' sacrifice for me on the cross is what I am most grateful for. It's His blood that has washed my sins away! What a privilege to share this amazing song with my friend, Carlos. He is an amazing human with an incredible voice. 🇧🇷 Esse hino lindo demais é dedicado ao meu pai. É um dos seus favoritos. Cresci ouvindo ele que toda música é mais linda em espanhol, por mais que a sua primeira lingua era o português. Meu pai sempre tocava musica em casa na sexta e sábado. Era sempre especial acordar sábado pela manha com is hinos tocando... Ele sempre amou a música e sempre me apoiou. ❤️ Estou muito feliz em dedicar esse hino a ele. Nesse dia de ação de graças, meu maior agradecimento é pelo sacrifício que Ele fez no calvário por mim. O Seu sangue lavou os meu pecados e por isso serei eternamente agradecida. Fiquei muito feliz de dividir essa musica com meu amigo Carlos. Ele é uma pessoa tao linda como sua voz! --- Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Arrangement: Daniel Bondaczuk Mix: Chad Carlson ---- Lyrics I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.” Since nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim, I’ll wash my garments white In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb Chorus Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Cuando ante el trono, halla, completo en El este, a los pies de mi Jesus mis trofeos hecharé Chorus Todo debo a El Pues ya lo pago, De las manchas del pesar Cual nieve me lavo. Bridge: Jesus paid it all I owe it all to Him He washed me white as snow He saved me from my sin Chorus Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow -- 2020 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - This Is The Moment- Piano, Cello & Voice I Christian Music

Gissela - This Is The Moment- Piano, Cello & Voice I Christian Music

Gissela K Official Video "This Is The Moment- Piano, Cello & Voice" Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: check out more videos: Gissela K "The More The Light Fades"- Gissela K "This Is The Moment" original version lyric --- Lyrics Written by: Chuck Butler, David Dunn and Tony Wood So many stubborn dreams Are shattering just like me Just like me I tried to run the show And now I am on my own All alone It feels like this is the end But this is where I began This is the moment That everything changes I’m letting go of me This is the moment The start of surrender This is me down on my knees My world was crashing in I was just stumbling Falling down I’m a desperate land Holding on empty hands Empty hands This is the moment That everything changes I’m letting go of me This is the moment The start of surrender This is me down on my knees I surrender I don’t wanna do this anymore I give in, I give all, l give up --- Arranged by: Daniel Bondaczuk Recorded by: Chad Carlson PIano by Daniel Bondaczuk & cello by Greg Bailey Video by: Cinescope --- 2019 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Your Love Never Ends | Christian Music

Gissela - Your Love Never Ends | Christian Music

Gissela K Official Video "Your Love Never Ends" Official Video Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: check out more videos: Gissela K "The More The Light Fades"- --- Lyrics Written by: Chad Carlson, Roy Mitchell and Caity Campbell Father forgive them For they know not what they do Were a dying man’s last words To save me and you Every time I lose my way You bring me back around Cause you bend, you break No matter what I do You love me anyway My God, my best friend Alpha and Omega Your love never ends Oh you must get tired I don’t mean to let you down You tell me what to do You’d think by now I’d figure it out Every time I lose my way You bring me back around Cause you bend, you break No matter what I do You love me anyway My God, my best friend Alpha and Omega Your love never ends Cause you bend, you break No matter what I do You love me anyway My God, my best friend Alpha and Omega Your love never… Alpha and Omega Your love never ends --- Arranged by: Chad Carlson Video by: cinescope --- 2019 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Bring You Back to Life | Christian Music

Gissela - Bring You Back to Life | Christian Music

Gissela K Official Video "Bring You Back to Life" Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: check out more videos: Gissela K "The More The Light Fades"- --- Lyrics Written by: Tami Hinesh/ Alyssa Bonagura You're feeling like the blue behind the clouds Lost when the rain comes down From the window pane you’re staring at the world As it spins by, leaving you behind Everything you thought was right is wrong Slipping through your hands you can’t hold on Oh you are not alone We’re all stumbling along Trying to make some sense of the mess that’s going on On the last breath of a prayer That’s the moment where The smallest ray of light will raise and bring you back to life Bring you back to life, bring you back to life You built a cage that only you can see Locked up in your head Thinking back on things you said That’s not the way that life’s supposed to be You’re harder on yourself than on anybody else Oh you know everybody needs a friend To help them fly against the wind Oh you are not alone We’re all stumbling along Trying to make some sense of the mess that’s going on On the last breath of a prayer That’s the moment where The smallest ray of light will raise and bring you back to life Bring you back to life, bring you back to life Oh when you feel like hope is gone And the dark’s before the dawn Don’t give up the fight I’ll help them bring you back to life Oh the last breath of a prayer That’s the moment where The smallest ray of light will raise and bring you back to life Bring you back to life, bring you back to life Bring you Back to life- Repeat --- Arranged by: Chad Carlson Video by: Cinescope --- 2020 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Nothing But The Blood of Jesus (feat. Aiden Kroll) I Christian Music

Gissela - Nothing But The Blood of Jesus (feat. Aiden Kroll) I Christian Music

Gissela - "Nothing But The Blood of Jesus" My quarantine version of this hymn I heard not to long ago and loved it! Thanks Aiden, for doing this with me. I am forever grateful for His blood on the cross that wased away my sins! Minha versão dessa música linda demais durante a quarentena! Nunca me cansarei de agradecer pelo que Jesus fez por mim na cruz! O Seu sangue lavou os meus pecados! Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: check out more videos: Gissela K "The More The Light Fades"- Photography- Jephter Moura Editing and Color Correction- Cinescope --- Lyrics What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Glory! Glory! This I sing Nothing but the blood of Jesus, All my praise for this I bring Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Gissela - My Jesus I Love Thee/Jesus Sempre Te Amo (feat. Daniel Santos) | Official Music Video

Gissela - My Jesus I Love Thee/Jesus Sempre Te Amo (feat. Daniel Santos) | Official Music Video

🇧🇷 Que alegria cantar essa música com o meu amigo Daniel que ambos a voz e o coração são especiais. Esse hino lindo esta dedicado ao meu vó Jaime, que não só ensinou os filhos e netos a amar a Deus, mas também a amar os hinos! Ele não deixava a gente ir embora antes de cantar a metade do hinário e se emocionava cantando... Memórias maravilhosas dele e um coração agradecido pelo que ele me ensinou. Agora é minha vez de ensinar as minhas filhas, com o mesmo fervor de um coração apaixonado por Jesus ♥️ 🇺🇸 What a gift to record this beautiful song with my friend, Daniel! He has a great voice and a great heart! This song is dedicated to my grandfather Jaime who has taught his children and grandchildren to love God and the hymns. He would not let us leave his house until we had sung half of the hymnal... and he would cry singing them. Precious memories of a precious man. Now it is my turn to teach my daughters hopefully with the same passion he taught us ♥️ Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Arrangement: Daniel Bondaczuk Guitar/ violão: Dave Cleveland Mix: Chad Carlson Download Gissela Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: More videos: Gissela "The More The Light Fades"- --- Lyrics My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine; for thee all the follies of sin I resign My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. Jesus sempre te amo, Porque sei que és meu; A ti toda glória, Na terra e no céu! Meu mestre divino, Meu Deus e meu rei, A ti, ó meu cristo, Submisso serei In mansions of glory and endless delight; I’ll ever adore thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow; if ever I loved thee my Jesus ’tis now if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus ’tis now -- 2020 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - It Is Well (feat. Resound & Armand Hutton) | Official Video

Gissela - It Is Well (feat. Resound & Armand Hutton) | Official Video

🇺🇸 This is one of my all time favorite hymns! The story behind it, the melody and lyrics... it's all beautiful to me! During the difficult times our world has lived in 2020, these words spoke to my heart and brought the peace I needed in the middle of chaos. What an honor to sing this hymn to this incredible acapela arrangement by Resound and Armand Hutton! We stood there holding hands, bare feet and we worshiped! Race? HUMAN Praying it reaches many and brings them peace and it has brought me. 🇧🇷 Esse hino é um dos mais lindos pra mim! A letra, melodia, a historia por traz dessa composição... é tudo inspirado! Esse foi o primeiro hino que eu escolhi para esse projeto! A letra dele foi e é extremamente relevante para os momentos que vivemos em 2020. Que honra cantar esse hino com o trio Resound e o Armand Hutton (baixo). Esse arranjo, juntamente com a letra dessa musica, cantar de mãos dadas e descalços tocou no fundo da minha alma. Raça? HUMANA! Espero o mesmo para quem ouvir, e que ele traga paz ao coração aflito. Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: More videos: Gissela - ---- Lyrics: Horatio Spafford Music: Phillip Paul Bliss Arrangement: Resound (trio) and Armand Hutton (base) Recording and Mixing: Chad Carlson at Cabana Studios, Nashville, TN Lyrics When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought My sin, not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more It is well, it is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul -- 2020 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela & Juzang - Forgive Me | Official Lyric Video

Gissela & Juzang - Forgive Me | Official Lyric Video

Official Lyric Video for “Forgive Me” by Gissela and Juzang. Subscribe to Gissela's Official YouTube Channel: Listen now at the link below: Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: --- Lyrics Many times I sin against you And forget to ask for help I think that im ok I’m just fine without your presence In my life I’m so small and so stubborn I can’t really figure it out Why on earth you love me so much You refuse to leave me out My God I am so grateful that you love me, like you do You pursue me so relentlessly And I run like a fool Lord I know I don’t deserve it And I’ve asked a million times But I ask you humbly Please, Lord forgive me Will you help me show compassion Cause I haven’t shared your grace I wanna tell the world who you are and what you have done In my life I’m so small and so stubborn I can’t really figure out Why on earth you love me so much You refuse to leave me out My God I am so grateful that you love me, like you do You pursue me so relentlessly And I run like a fool Lord I know I don’t deserve it And I’ve asked a million times My God I am so grateful that you love me, like you do You pursue me so relentlessly And I run like a fool Lord I know I don’t deserve it And I’ve asked a million times But I ask you humbly Please, Lord forgive me Lord I know I don’t deserve it And I’ve asked a million times But I ask you humbly Please, Lord forgive me Letra Quantas vezes nós erramos E esquecer de pedir perdão São palavras são ações Que nos afastam da salvação Tão pequeno eu me sinto Quando tudo fica assim Só o grande amor de Cristo Muda tudo para mim Meu Jesus eu te agradeço Por tão grande amor por mim Sei que isso não mereço Mas me amas mesmo assim Vem transformar minha vida Modifica meu viver Eu te peço por favor Me perdoa O Senhor Quando conto tudo ao meu amigo Sinto que comigo ele está Meus problemas e meus fardos Ele leva sem reclamar -- 2023 Gissela
Gissela - I Surrender All (feat. Tim Davis) | Lyric Video

Gissela - I Surrender All (feat. Tim Davis) | Lyric Video

🇺🇸 After Introspections was recorded, mixed and mastered, and all the videos done, I heard I Surrender All and felt like it had to be a part of this EP. I immediately thought of Tim Davis and I am so glad he said yes. I was a teenager when I heard Tim sing live for the first time, and I thought he had the most beautiful male voice I had ever heard. We did not get to record a video like I did for the other songs of this album, but I hope you enjoy this lyric video ❤️ These lyrics are relevant to the world we live in today and it is my prayer to surrender to Him everyday. 🇧🇷 Depois que o EP Introspections estava gravado, mixado, masterizado e todos os videos gravados, eu ouvi Tudo Entregarei e não acreditei que ela não fazia parte desse projeto. Amo esse hino e a sua letra é minha oração principalmente nos dias que vivemos hoje. Quando decide inclui-la ao repertório, imediatamente pensei em convidar o Tim Davis para cantar ela comigo. Ouvi o Tim cantar ao vivo quando era adolescente e lembro em pensar que nunca havia ouvido uma voz tão linda. Não gravamos um video para esse música como fiz com todas as outras músicas desse projeto, mas espero que vc goste desse lyric vídeo ❤️ Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Arrangement: Daniel Bondaczuk Mix: Chad Carlson Video: Media by Micah --- Lyrics All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give I will ever love and trust Him In His presence daily live I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all All to Jesus I surrender Humbly at His feet I bow Worldly pleasures all forsaken Take me Jesus take me now I surrender all I surrender all All to Thee my blessed Savior I surrender all -- 2021 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Bring You Back to Life | Official Lyric Video

Gissela - Bring You Back to Life | Official Lyric Video

Gissela K "Bring You Back to Life" original Lyric video Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: Check out more videos: Gissela K "This Is The Moment- Piano, Cello & Voice" - Gissela K "This Is The Moment" original version lyric video- --- Lyrics You feeling like the blue behind the clouds Lost when the rain comes down From the window pane you’re staring at the world As it spins by, leaving you behind Everything you thought was right is wrong Sipping through your hands you can’t hold on Oh you are not alone We’re all stumbling along Trying to make some sense of the mess that’s going on Oh the last breath of a prayer That’s the moment where The smallest ray of light will raise and bring you back to life Bring you back to life, bring you back to life You built a cage that only you can see Locked up in your head Thinking back on things you said That’s not the way that life’s supposed to be You’re harder on yourself than on anybody else Oh you know everybody needs a friend To help them fly against the wind Oh you are not alone We’re all stumbling along Trying to make some sense of the mess that’s going on Oh the last breath of a prayer That’s the moment where The smallest ray of light will raise and bring you back to life Bring you back to life, bring you back to life Oh when you feel like hope is gone And the dark’s before the dawn Don’t give up the fight I’ll help them bring you back to life Oh the last breath of a prayer That’s the moment where The smallest ray of light will raise and bring you back to life Bring you back to life, bring you back to life Bring you Back to life --- 2019 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - What It Means | Official Lyric Video

Gissela - What It Means | Official Lyric Video

Gissela K "What It Means" Official Lyric Video Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: check out more videos: Gissela K "The More The Light Fades"- Gissela K "This Is The Moment" original version lyric --- Lyrics Seems every breath I'm taking Is another prayer I'm praying That lately starts with: why? You know the mess that I am Heard every honest questions Seen every tear I’ve cried You could send down answers But if You don't I’m gonna trust You even when You don't speak Love You even when my heart is aching Keep walking on even when my eyes can’t see That’s what it means to believe That’s what it means to believe You wouldn't bring me this far To just abandon this heart You are with me all the way Sovereign through the seasons Faithful and You are leading I’m in the grip of grace I’m gonna trust You even when You don't speak Love You even when my heart is aching Keep walking on even when my eyes can’t see That’s what it means to believe That’s what it means to believe Hold on to hope when my world is shaking Neve let go though the storm is raging Give you control I will follow where you lead That’s what it means to believe Chorus --- 2019 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - The More the Light Fades | Original Lyric Video

Gissela - The More the Light Fades | Original Lyric Video

Gissela K "The More The Light Fades" original video Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: Check out more videos: Gissela K "This Is The Moment-Piano, Cello & Voice" - Gissela K "This Is The Moment" original version lyric video- --- Lyrics All around me, a sea of faces I see the worry in their eyes People hurting lost and searching For something more in this life So help us see Jesus, you are hope In the troubled times The more the light fades The brighter you shine Savior you’re the strength In this heart of mine The more the light fades The more the light fades The brighter you shine I hear voices of heaven calling A kingdom and a greater king Where hope is rising and fear is dying Children stand up and believe Repeat chorus Bridge: Over all my fears And uncertainties You are glorious You are glorious Like the rising sun I lift my eyes to see You are glorious You are glorious Jesus, my jesus Repeat chorus Jesus, you are hope In the troubled times The more the light fades The brighter you shine Savior you’re the strength In this heart of mine The more the light fades The more the light fades The brighter you shine I hear voices of heaven calling A kingdom and a greater king Where hope is rising and fear is dying Children stand up and believe Repeat chorus Bridge: Over all my fears And uncertainties You are glorious You are glorious Like the rising sun I lift my eyes to see You are glorious You are glorious Jesus, my jesus Repeat chorus --- 2019 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - Reckless Grace | Official Lyric Video

Gissela - Reckless Grace | Official Lyric Video

Gissela I Reckless Grace I Official Lyric Video Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Gissela K Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: Check out more videos: Gissela K "This Is The Moment- Piano, Cello & Voice" - --- Lyrics It’s clear to me You didn’t play it safe You always knew the price You’d payed Still You chose to come us Though it hurt and cost so much That’s Your heart, oh King Divine That’s Your heart, so let it be mine I wanna love with a reckless grace In every moment, every day Mercy is never a mistake I wanna live with a reckless Love with a reckless grace When words cut deep And my heart gets bruised When I feel betrayed Help me to chose To care about somebody else More than I care about myself I wanna love with a reckless grace In every moment, every day Mercy is never a mistake I wanna live with a reckless Love with a reckless grace I’m laying down my right to judge Let me forgive and when I love Oh when I love… I wanna love with a reckless grace In every moment, every day Mercy is never a mistake I wanna live with a reckless Love with a reckless grace With a reckless grace Love with a reckless grace --- 2019 Gissela #Gissela
Em Teus Braços | Behind the Scenes
Gissela - The Heart Behind | Subtítulos em Portugues

Gissela - The Heart Behind | Subtítulos em Portugues

🇺🇸 A quick journey through 2020 and how this album was born. It is truly a reflection of my heart during this year. It's my perfume poured on His feet. My offering. My praise. I hope it brings you the peace that surpasses all understanding. The peace we can only find in Him. ❤️ PS. I failed to share what my health issue was. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease right when the pandemic started. It was very rough on me with daily migraines, abdominal pain and a fatigue I never experienced before. I have been GF since May and doing much much better. : ) 🇧🇷 Estou repartindo um pouquinho com vcs sobre o que me fez produzir um EP como Introspections (Introspecções) nesse ano. Ele ė a reflexão do meu coração durante o ano de 2020. É o meu perfume aōs pés de Cristo. Minha oferta. Meu louvor. Que esses louvores te tragam paz. A paz que excede todo o entendimento. A paz que só vem dele. OBS. Eu não expliquei no vídeo qual o problema de saúde que tive. Fui diagnosticada com a doença celíaca exatamente quando a pandemia começou em março. Meus sintomas duraram meses, inclusive depois de ter eliminado o glúten da minha dieta. Alguns deles foram, enxaquecas diárias, dores fortes abdominais e uma fatiga incrível. Eliminei o glúten da minha dieta em maio, e hoje estou muito melhor. --- Follow me: youtube: website: facebook: instagram: -- 2020 Gissela #Gissela
Gissela - It Is Well | Making Of Video

Gissela - It Is Well | Making Of Video

🇺🇸 This is just a little bit of the making of this song I love so much and the fun times we had recording it. 🇧🇷 Repartindo com vcs aqui um pouquinho dos bastidores das bagunças e gravaçōes dessa música que eu amo! Connect with Gissela: website: Instagram: Facebook: Download Reckless Grace EP Apple Music: Amazon: Spotify: More videos: Gissela - Lyrics: Horatio Spafford Music: Phillip Paul Bliss Arrangement: Resound (trio) and Armand Hutton (base) Recording and Mixing: Chad Carlson at Cabana Studios, Nashville, TN ---- Lyrics When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought My sin, not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more It is well, it is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well, it is well with my soul -- 2020 Gissela #Gissela
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